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Interesting Cases

Meet Iris!

By April 17, 2015 No Comments

Iris is a kitten that was a stray and in October 2014 was taken in by Furry Friends, a local rescue organization. His right eye did not develop – a condition called microopthalmia, which can lead to pain, infection, and even meningitis and brain disease.

irisafterWe decided we would help raise funds towards surgery for Iris and through social media and our clients raised over $800 towards a surgery which would normally cost $1200-1500. On January 12, 2015, Dr. Kelly performed the surgery and Iris is doing great! He is recovering in a foster home and will be put up for adoption as soon as his recovery finishes.

The entire team at River Road loved working on this campaign and would like to thank everyone who showed support, whether it be from sharing the word or generously donating money – whether it was $1 or $50 it put a smile on our faces.